Car Accidents

Rideshare Accident in Washington, D.C. and Recovering Compensation

Recovering Compensation After A Washington, D.C. Rideshare Accident

A rideshare accident in Washington, D.C. with Uber drivers and others can be complex and stressful for everyone involved. Victims of these accidents may find themselves facing expensive medical bills and lost wages due to missed work. Fortunately, there are options available for victims to pursue compensation for their damages.

Car Accident Injuries Caused by Different Types of Collisions

Collision Types That Cause Different Car Accident Injuries

A car accident can cause a variety of injuries, depending on the type and severity of the collision. However, certain types of car accidents are more likely to result in specific injuries, including those that follow. When negligence by another person was the cause of your trauma, you may be able to place a claim to recover compensation with the help of an injury lawyer.

Traffic Fatality Accidents in Washington, D.C.

Causes Of Washington, D.C. Traffic Fatality Accidents

Traffic fatality accidents are at an all-time high, according to the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department with 40 fatalities reported in 2021. Whether you lost a loved one in a car collision or they were riding a bicycle or a pedestrian, we can help your grieving family recover the compensation they deserve.

There are many causes of traffic fatalities in Washington, D.C., but some are more common than others.

Find Out How a DUI Affects a Personal Injury Claim

Injury Claims Involving Drunk Drivers

When you’ve been injured by a drunk driver in Washington, D.C., there are several important things you need to know when filing a personal injury claim. Driving under the influence (DUI) and while intoxicated (DWI) are different designations. When a person is charged with DUI, it means their BAC level is 0.07 percent or under that. However, a field test for sobriety that was administered by a police officer shows cognitive impairment. In a DWI, the BAC level is at least 0.08 percent, which is shown by a urine, blood, or breathalyzer test.

Who Pays Your Medical Bills After an Accident?

How Do I Pay For My Accident Injuries?

In the event that you settle or your case goes to civil court, the person or entity responsible for your crash or accident should pay for your medical expenses. In addition, the at-fault party’s insurance company should compensate you for any future medical expenses you will incur because of your injury. In addition to physical injuries and wages, you lost due to being unable to work, you should receive for emotional and psychological trauma as well.

You should also receive coverage for adaptive medical devices and transportation to and from your medical appointments. You should not need to pay for your medical treatment if another person caused your accident. 

Car Accidents and Statutes of Limitations

The statute of limitations is the time period in which a lawsuit can be filed following an injury or death caused by the negligence of another person or entity such as the city government. The statutes of limitations in Washington, D.C. can be different, depending on the category of the type the injury and on the age. However, this important part of the D.C. Code Ann. § 12-301(8) can interfere with your ability to recover damages, especially if you’re dealing with an insurance company.

At Roeser Law, all the attorneys and staff are fully committed to ensuring their clients’ rights are protected. It is our duty to provide our clients with compassionate service and to make sure they receive the compensation they deserve. Call us today at (202) 660-4070 to find out how we can help you.

How can an Injury Lawyer Support Me After an Auto Accident?

After an accident, you may be contacted by the other driver’s insurer. This is often upsetting. The insurance company’s representative might ask many questions about the accident and how you feel. In some cases this might be an honest effort but not always. For instance, the representative might ask how you are feeling. Normally, people are prone to say they are fine. Later on, the insurer may bring this up and insist there was nothing wrong with you.

On other occasions, a natural remark is to say you are sorry the accident happened. That is said in a kind, commensurate way. However, the company may insist that you were apologizing for the accident during the call. Sometimes, they will ask to record your remarks. This is not mandatory and they know it. Bottom line is, that your lawyer can speak to the insurance company representative in your stead.

Drivers Face Special Risks in Construction Zones

Work zone accidents can occur anywhere and can result in serious injuries. Since road construction is so common in Washington, D.C., the Department of Transportation publishes a weekly construction update every two weeks. In fact, the information is mapped out, giving drivers a heads up about road projects by ward. This makes it easy for commuters to look up their route and make changes if need be before heading out.

The Roeser Law Firm has helped many clients with accidents that occur in the ongoing D.C. construction. If this happens to you, do not hesitate to call Roeser Law. We will send our investigators to the accident site to unearth evidence of liability by the city or another party.

Fatigued Driving Causes Auto Accidents

We’ve all experienced the feeling of having to yawn excessively while driving. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 37 percent of all adults do not get enough sleep. Whether it is a new baby, working three jobs or just staying up late, it has happened to all of us. However, if you are reading this, you are lucky since 697 drivers were killed by fatigued driving in 2019.

Learn more about the consequences of fatigued driving in the District. If you are injured due to negligence call the Roeser Law Firm.

Car Accident Injuries – The Roeser Law Firm

Car accident injuries can be catastrophic in some cases. Get the compensation you deserve with the help of the Roeser Law Firm.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that roughly three million people are injured in car accidents yearly. The injuries range from whiplash to traumatic brain injury and their severity differs according to the nature of the accident. While more minor injuries heal within weeks to months, that is not always the case. More serious car accident injuries not only take longer to heal but also lead to disability and life-threatening consequences. Let’s take a comprehensive look at auto accident injuries and how their damages are recovered.