Truck Accident Lawyer in Washington, D.C.

truck accident with fire truck and semi truck on fire
Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area have their share of truck accidents. In their quest to get goods up and down the coast or to deliver products to stores and residences alike, truckers have their share of accidents.

Truck Accidents in the District

Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area have their share of truck accidents. In their quest to get goods up and down the coast or to deliver products to stores and residences alike, truckers have their share of accidents. A truck accident lawyer is prepared to help you obtain the damages you suffered in an accident with a semi-trailer or a delivery van. Let’s learn more about truck accidents in the city.

How the Roeser Law Firm Can Help

At Roeser Law, we are committed to helping our clients obtain the compensation they deserve. It is unacceptable for a negligent negligent trucker or their employer to cause financial and physical losses to anyone. Choosing an attorney can be difficult when you or a loved one is injured in a truck accident or dies.

Extensive Legal Experience and Tenacity Help Us Offer Our Clients Justice

We have the legal knowledge and experience that is needed to help you right the wrongs you’ve suffered. We do everything in our power to achieve this goal. Just call us at (202) 660-4070 to schedule a free case review. If it is easier for you, contact us online.

Differences Between Truck Crashes and Other Traffic Collisions

Unlike other types of collisions, truck accidents are different in several ways. For instance, truck sizes and weights differ from those of other types of vehicles. A truck loaded with goods can weigh up to 80,000 pounds while a passenger vehicle weighs around 4,000 pounds. When a passenger vehicle collides with a big rig, significant injuries and fatalities are likely to result.

Reasons for an Accident With a Large Truck

Traffic accidents are caused primarily by negligence, and truck collisions are no exception. These are some examples of driver and trucking company errors that lead to a truck accident or a fatality:

  • Failure to train drivers: Many trucking companies have taken shortcuts in training drivers due to the nationwide shortage of truckers. Truck drivers must learn how to handle these large vehicles safely. When this does not happen, the risk of accidents is higher.
  • Driver fatigue: Many trucking companies require their drivers to work non-stop and without sufficient rest to get their shipments delivered quickly. Drivers who are fatigued are just as dangerous as those who are drunk. 
  • Federal and state standards: Many regulations are in place to ensure truck safety on the road. Unfortunately, trucking companies do not always follow them. The hours of service a big rig operator can work is one of the regulations that is frequently broken. 
  • Poor maintenance: It is imperative that trucks are inspected before each trip and while they are on the road. If a problem exists, the trucker or trucking company must have it fixed. 
  • Distracted driving: Like all drivers, truckers can divert their attention from the road and focus on other things. Many traffic accidents result from distracted driving. 
  • Cargo placement: A poorly loaded truck can cause a jackknife accident or a rollover if the cargo shifts. Also, an overloaded truck can have trouble negotiating a curve or overturn, especially in windy conditions. 
  • Speeding: As a means of reaching their destination quickly, some truckers choose to speed. An 80,000-pound rig is difficult to control for a trucker who is speeding, and it often leads to an accident. 

Roeser Law Firm

Learning about the reasons for truck accidents may prevent them from happening. The Roeser Law Firm is here to help you if a truck accident does occur. Call us at (202) 660-4070 or contact us online. We will set up a free case review where we can examine your situation, answer any questions you may have and discuss your options moving forward. Keep in mind that you will not pay us until you win your case.

Zeke Roeser


3000 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 140
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 660-4070