Motorcycle Accidents

No-Contact Motorcycle Crashes and Recovering Compensation

Recovery Of Compensation After No-Contact Motorcycle Crashes

There can be serious injuries and financial strain associated with these types of motorcycle accidents. In addition to recovering from their trauma, the motorcycle rider may also have difficulty locating the other driver and prosecuting them. To investigate your accident, locate the other driver, and demand compensation, you’ll need the help of a Washington, D.C. motorcycle injury lawyer.

Defective Parts Can Lead to a Motorcycle Injury 

Motorcycle Injury Accidents And Defective Parts

If you have been injured due to a defective part on your motorcycle while riding in Washington, D.C., you may be eligible for financial compensation through filing a personal injury claim. We can help you understand your legal rights and options after an accident involving a defective part.

Biker’s Arm: A Common Injury Following a Motorcycle Accident

Biker’S Arm Is A Serious Motorcycle Injury

There is always a risk of a biker’s arm associated with riding a motorcycle. Although motorcycles are more maneuverable than automobiles, that still may not be enough to avoid a serious collision, resulting in traumatic injuries. In addition, a common statement made by drivers of motor vehicles following a collision with a motorcyclist is that they never saw them.

In most cases, motorcycle accidents don’t leave victims with serious injuries. According to research, accidents can be prevented or minimized if the rider has been trained and is dressed in the correct gear. Biker’s arm is one of the injuries that riders commonly suffer in a collision.