Motorcycle Accident – Four Tips for Recovering Damages for Injuries and Losses

After a motorcycle accident, and before you speak with an insurance adjuster or accept a settlement offer, talk to an attorney.
A Washington, DC motorcycle accident can result in catastrophic injuries for a rider, which can lead to considerable financial losses. When a motorcyclist is injured in an accident, many insurance companies try to blame the rider for the cause of the accident. You need an experienced motorcycle accident attorney to help you fight to receive the compensation you deserve after being injured because of another party’s negligence or wrongdoing.
Four Tips to Help You Recover Maximum Compensation for an Erie Motorcycle Accident
1. Contact a Washington, DC Motorcycle Accident Attorney Now
The key to winning a motorcycle accident case is proving fault. The insurance company for the other driver will likely work aggressively to prove that you caused the accident or you contributed to the cause of the accident. The insurance company can reduce its liability if it can prove you were partially responsible for causing the crash.
An accident attorney investigates the cause of the crash and gathers evidence to prove liability. Evidence that can help prove that you were not responsible for causing the crash includes:
- Eyewitness statements
- Photographs of the accident scene
- Videos from traffic cameras and other sources
- Expert testimony from accident reconstructionists and other experts
- Physical evidence from the vehicles
- Cell phone data
- Data from onboard systems
The quicker your attorney begins an investigation, the better chance there is of preserving crucial evidence to prove fault. Liable parties in a motorcycle accident claim include other drivers, motorcycle manufacturers, government entities, road construction companies, parts manufacturers, and repair shops.
2. Seek Medical Treatment
Regardless of the severity of your injuries, see a doctor as quickly as possible. Any delays in medical treatment can hurt an injury claim. You need documentation of your injuries and the severity of your injuries by a medical provider.
Motorcyclists can sustain catastrophic injuries because of the lack of protection during a collision. Common motorcycle injuries include traumatic brain injury (TBI), back injuries, broken bones, internal bleeding, crushed bones, damage to internal organs, spinal cord injuries, and head injuries.
3. Document Damages
Careful documentation of damages increases the value of a Washington, DC motorcycle accident claim. Keep copies of all receipts and evidence of payment of medical bills, over-the-counter medication, medical equipment, loss of income, assistance with household chores, and travel expenses. Keep a detailed log of all mileage to and from doctors’ offices. Also, keep a list of all medical providers, even medical providers you might only see one time.
It can also be helpful to keep a journal notating your daily pain levels, activities you cannot perform, flashbacks, and other information that explains how your motorcycle injuries impacted your daily life.
4. Don’t Discuss the Motorcycle Accident or Your Injuries
Don’t discuss your motorcycle accident or your injuries online or through electronic means. Avoid talking about the accident with family and friends. Anyone you speak with could be a potential witness in a trial. Also, set all social media accounts to private with the highest security settings. Don’t accept new friend requests. It is best to stop using social media until your claim is settled. Defense attorneys may gain access to your online accounts, which could be used against you during a jury trial.
Contact Our Washington, DC Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for More Information
Before you speak with an insurance adjuster or accept a settlement offer, talk to an attorney. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyer can help you protect your right to receive a fair amount for your motorcycle injury claim.
Call the Roeser Law Firm at (202) 660-4070 to schedule your free legal consultation with our Washington, DC motorcycle accident lawyer.
Zeke Roeser

3000 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 140
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 660-4070