Biker’s Arm: A Common Injury Following a Motorcycle Accident

Motorcycle lies broken on the road at night after an accident.
The impact of the landing is often felt on the arms when a biker reaches out to protect themselves. Sometimes it happens as a result of the motorcyclist’s arms becoming trapped under their body during the impact. Bikers’ arms can cause serious and debilitating injuries regardless of how they occur. 

Biker’s Arm Is a Serious Motorcycle Injury

There is always a risk of a biker’s arm associated with riding a motorcycle. Although motorcycles are more maneuverable than automobiles, that still may not be enough to avoid a serious collision, resulting in traumatic injuries. In addition, a common statement made by drivers of motor vehicles following a collision with a motorcyclist is that they never saw them. 

In most cases, motorcycle accidents don’t leave victims with serious injuries. According to research, accidents can be prevented or minimized if the rider has been trained and is dressed in the correct gear. Biker’s arm is one of the injuries that riders commonly suffer in a collision.

What Causes Biker’s Arm?

The impact of the landing is often felt on the arms when a biker reaches out to protect themselves. Sometimes it happens as a result of the motorcyclist’s arms becoming trapped under their body during the impact. Bikers’ arms can cause serious and debilitating injuries regardless of how they occur. 

What Type of Damages Does Biker’s Arm Cause?

An upper limb with nerve damage is referred to as a ‘biker’s arm’ or brachial plexus injury. A rider may suffer this injury if they fall with their motorcycle following an accident. A rider on a bike can exert over 400 pounds of pressure on the upper arm. This can result in severe nerve damage. Injuries that include:

  • Motor and sensory innervation of the fingers is provided by the ulnar nerve.
  • The forearms and hands receive motor signals from the median nerve.
  • Movements of the triceps and back of the hand are controlled by the radial nerve.

Various nerve injuries can present with severe symptoms. People who have damage to their nerves may have difficulty working, attending school or even doing household chores. However, if a negligent driver or others caused your injury, you may be able to recover compensation to pay for your medical expenses and other losses.

Symptoms of Biker’s Arm

The symptoms of biker’s arm may not be immediately apparent if you are involved in an accident. Symptoms of injuries may not appear for weeks. Having any of the following conditions may result in biker’s arm if you are lying on your bike or using your arm to brace yourself.

  • You can use your fingers and hand but have no feeling in your upper arm or shoulder.
  • You feel a tingling sensation in your fingers, hand and/or arm.
  • Your fingers, hands or arms are numb.
  • You can’t use your fingers or hand but you can use your arm.
  • Your arm is paralyzed.

Treatment for Biker’s Arm

There are a number of treatments for nerve damage that’s caused by biker’s arm. These include surgery, physical therapy, pain management and others. However, the treatment of nerve damage is potentially complex, so the outcome is more difficult to predict before treatment. While some injuries improve, others may result in permanent paralysis of the fingers, hands or arms.

Wearing appropriate gear, not drinking and riding, keeping your skills up to date and maintaining your motorcycle are the best ways to prevent biker’s arm. Even if you are unable to prevent all accidents, you can certainly reduce the chances of them occurring by staying alert and riding safely.

Roeser Law Firm PLLC

Roeser Law Firm can help you obtain the compensation you deserve if you’ve suffered an injury in a motorcycle crash caused by another’s negligence. Contact us for a free consultation at (202) 660-4070 for a review of your case. We also offer an online contact form if you prefer to get in touch with us that way.

Zeke Roeser


3000 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 140
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 660-4070