Personal Injury

Car Accidents and Statutes of Limitations

The statute of limitations is the time period in which a lawsuit can be filed following an injury or death caused by the negligence of another person or entity such as the city government. The statutes of limitations in Washington, D.C. can be different, depending on the category of the type the injury and on the age. However, this important part of the D.C. Code Ann. § 12-301(8) can interfere with your ability to recover damages, especially if you’re dealing with an insurance company.

At Roeser Law, all the attorneys and staff are fully committed to ensuring their clients’ rights are protected. It is our duty to provide our clients with compassionate service and to make sure they receive the compensation they deserve. Call us today at (202) 660-4070 to find out how we can help you.

Slip and Fall – Proving Negligence

If you live in the Washington, D.C. area, you know that slip and fall accidents due to negligence seem to happen more often than not, yet being compensated for the damages is not as simple as it seems. To recover damages, it is essential to prove negligence on the part of the home or commercial property owner. Let’s delve into what it means to prove slip and fall negligence in The District.

Traumatic Brain Injuries in Washington, D.C.

In order to successfully resolve a personal injury lawsuit, your attorney needs the experience and resources to succeed. Our law firm has both. Our lawyers also have the compassion you and your family need after this type of accident. You should be able to concentrate on getting better after traumatic brain injuries. We know that besides concentrating on physically improving, you just don’t have the strength to deal with the details.
That is where the Roeser Law Firm can help. We do it all from investigating the accident to negotiating with the insurance company and building a strong case against the at-fault party. We do this so the negligent person or entity will not walk away from the accident without repercussions.

What Is a Personal Injury Accident – Roeser Law Firm

When an accident occurs, you always risk being injured. Accidents come in many forms, from car collisions and slips and falls to defective products, dog bites and medical errors. A personal injury occurs when your accident injury is caused by an intentional or reckless act by another individual or entity. In order to place a claim for compensation, evidence is gathered against the party who is at fault.

Personal Injury Washington DC Cases – Do You Have a Personal Injury Claim?

A Washington DC personal injury attorney can review your case to determine if you have a personal injury claim. An attorney investigates the case to gather evidence and documents your injuries to increase your injury claim’s value. A personal injury Washington DC case is based on an injury caused by another person’s wrongdoing or negligence.